Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Okay, people. I've been sick. Like majorly sick. Like gross, missing days and days of work sick.

So. Story. Well, a few weeks ago my tooth randomly started hurting. So I took some tylenol  and started using Sensodyne toothpaste and the pain went away. I thought no more of it. Then last week, the pain came back with a vengeance. I started maxing out my tylenol every 6 4 hours. So I make a dentist appointment and figure I can wait til then. Then, one night after work and baby-sitting, I got home. My tooth was hurting like hell, so I took some tylenol and an ambien sleeping pill. It was 9 PM. Three hours later, I was still awake. And still. In. Pain. So, being stupid, I took 2 tylenol PMs. Still in pain. So around 2 AM I decide I have to do something about this unbearable pain. So I go to the emergency room.

At the ER, the nurse tells me I should have come in as soon as it started hurting since tooth pain is one of the worst pains to deal with. I'm crying really hard and saying, "I agree. It sucks." She tells me to call someone to pick me up, since I'm not going to be able to drive. So I wait to see the doctor. He's super nice and tells me to call my dentist, which I'd already done. So he gives me 2 prescriptions. One for penicillin and one, hello!, for percocet. Percocet is the best stuff ever. I was definitely feeling no pain after taking that shit.

Unfortunately, percocet makes me dizzy and sleepy. So I couldn't work the next day. So I slept and chilled and slept some more. Gross.

I thought I was feeling better this past weekend and on Monday. Then, yesterday, I woke up and started getting ready for work. Then, after taking my penicillin, I felt nauseous. (Let me just take this oppurtunity to say penicillin is the nastiest smelling and tasting shit ever. It's disgusting.) Needless to say, both of the medicines had caught up with me. I spent the day sick. So another work day gone. Grrrr.

I woke up this morning feeling better. So I started getting ready and then found out we had a 2 hour delay. Sweet. I laid back down and went to sleep for another hour. I woke up and decided to straighten my hair, as I do daily. I usually straighten it while wet, but it was dry today. So I turn the straightener on and wait for it to heat up. I straighten half my hair, then put the straightener down to get ready to straighten the other half. When I go to pick it up again, I accidentally pick it up by the hot part. And I proceed to burn the hell out of my thumb and index finger. I throw the straightener down (oops) and run to the sink to put my fingers under cool water. All I have to say is thank God for first aid training. It definitely came in handy. So I've got my 2 fingers bandaged up because the blisters ain't pretty.

I feel like I'm falling apart. I'm in my 20s. This isn't supposed to happen yet! I've still got time! I'm counting down the days til my dentist appointment. It's in 6 days. Can't wait.