Saturday, September 24, 2011

Stuff happens for a reason.

Yup, I suck at blogging. I don't even remember the last time I blogged. I should really make it a priority. It's just... not.

So, since the last time I blogged, a lot has happened. I went to visit my boyfriend in June. Things went, not so well. I don't even want to rehash the drama of the trip at this time. Suffice it to say it was not shocking to either of us that a week after I got home we broke up.

Of course, we're pretty much back together now. We still talk every day and email and whatnot. I'm still planning on moving to where he lives. But the wedding plans are officially on hold. Which is fine, I suppose. I had invested a lot of time and money into our plans, but it's okay. I'd much rather have him in my life, then not because of a wedding.

The one good thing about the trip was meeting someone who has fast become one of my best friends. Let me preface this:

When I decided to go visit my boyfriend, I made a decision. Since I work as a teacher I had the whole summer off. Spending the entire summer with him was not an option (thank God I didn't!). I've always wanted to travel across the country. (I live in VA, him in NV.) So, somehow, I got it in my head that instead of flying (which I totally SHOULD have done) I'd take the bus.

I'm young, I had the time to do it, it was cheap. So that's what I did. Overall, taking the bus across country sucked. There were three good things about it. One; the scenery. I swear, this country is beautiful. Going across the green grass of Tennessee and Arkansas and the Mississippi River was great. The flat land of Oklahoma was pretty. And the desert and rocks of the west (New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada) was breathtaking. Number two... Honestly, now that I'm thinking, I can't remember what my number two thing was. So, onto number three. I met the most amazing guy on the bus.

Most of the people on the bus were weird. But this guy, G, was great. We spent 2 days on the bus together. From Las Vegas to TN. It was great. We became facebook friends and text each other multiple times a day. It's great because I can tell him about my boy troubles and, in turn, he tells me about his boy troubles. It's awesome.