Thursday, December 8, 2011


Well, I guess there's nothing like a breakup to kick a girl into blogging overdrive. Two blog posts in a week, wow. All in all, I'm doing okay. I'm not crying as much as I was. Only problem besides missing my ex so intently I could yell is the hookup guy is still texting and calling, wanting more. Ugh.

So back in the day, I used to write all the time. Nothing good, just strictly teen emotional poetry. I loved it. But since I've become an "adult" I've stopped writing. I guess another perk of heartbreak is it's fuel for my writing. I'm getting all my angst and heartache down on paper. Or, in this case, really bad parody of a probably awful song.

So I'm sure you're wondering what the song is. It's "Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back) by Eamon. It's a song full of "fuck you" and anger. I actually prefer the mashup of Eamon's "Fuck It" and the response "Fuck You Right Back (FURB)" by Frankee. Below is my lyrics (I basically kept the same chorus, cause it fit my situation) and a link to the mashup. Enjoy :)

Eamon/Frankee "Fuck It/FURB" mashup

My lyrics:
No no no
See I don't know why
I loved you so bad
Even when
You were mad
I told you I wanted
To be with you forever
I thought I knew you better
I wanted to let you know
(How) I feel

Fuck what I said
It don't mean shit now
Fuck the presents
Might as well throw them out
Fuck all those kisses
They didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you prick
I don't want you back

Fuck what I said
It don't mean shit now
Fuck the presents
Might as well throw them out
Fuck all those kisses
They didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you prick
I don't want you back

You thought you could
Lie right to my face
You mean ass, you're a disgrace
You told me, that you'd always love me
Now you're takin it all back
Your ass is so whack, look elsehwere
Cause you're done with me

Fuck what I said
It don't mean shit now
Fuck the presents
Might as well throw them out
Fuck all the kisses
They didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you prick
I don't want you back

Fuck what I said
It don't mean shit now
Fuck the presents
Might as well throw them out
Fuck all the kisses
They didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you prick
I don't want you back

You always
Called me a pussy
You always told me
I was too emotionally crazy
Now it's over, and I guess that I am sad
It hurts real bad, but I can't sweat that
Cause I loved the prick

Fuck what I said
It don't mean shit now
Fuck the presents
Might as well throw them out
Fuck all the kisses
They didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you prick
I don't want you back

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